About The Author

My Background: I’m currently in the military, and a few years back I decided to wear our nation’s cloth in order to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. I soon (but not soon enough) realized that the biggest threat to my individual rights was not from an outward threat, but from an inward threat disguised as our friend.
Now my passion has shifted towards communication in order to inform others of the same threat. The best form of communication for someone in my position, so that I can reach the most people, is blogging. I view my efforts as my best chance to save our Constitution and the republic it represents.
Ultimately a principled movement needs to take place in order to address this domestic threat; however, before there can be any principled movement, be it an individual movement or a collective movement, there must first be principled thought. That is what I’m trying to achieve – prompting principled thought.
The hardest aspect of principled thought is the identification of principles. Given our limited abilities as human beings, any entity that we have yet to indentify simply doesn’t exist in any cognitive sense – i.e., we are simply unaware. How are we to identify an entity without some sensory connection to it? Likewise, how are we to identify principles unless we have some information surrounding the principle that can connect it to something else we know?
For me, it was reading volumes of material, which thoroughly covered vast areas of human thought that has allowed me to identify an exact understanding of the principles involved with individual rights. My identification of said principles allowed me to adjust my course to pursue the best chances of achieving my values – the protection of the Constitution of the United States.
Name Background: Many people blogging today prefer to use their real names, but there are several good reasons for me to use my current username. For one, it separates my views from any repercussions, both long-term and short-term.  For another, it’s symbolic; if you ever read, “Anthem” by Ayn Rand, you might understand the irony here.
Looking long-term, given the countries current path, I anticipate that eventually all civil liberties will be whipped out and I intend to continue speaking out – my user name protects that intention. Basically, when the state rears its head against those who advocate against statism (like it eventually does in most statist countries) I intend on being the last one standing.

Using a pseudonym name doesn’t take away from the value one can gain from reading my blog because the best values I have to share – given this format – are my ideas, and you do not need my name for that. But you must call me something, and the nickname that seems most popular is Mo. You may call me that if you like.